EDC House, Block'C', 1st Floor, Dada Vaidya Road, Panaji-Goa 403001. Web: http://goapsc.gov.in


Online applications are invited for the below mentioned posts. The last date for filling up the applications is 26.05.2017. Candidates should carefully read the'Instructions" available on Commission's website before filling the application online.

  1. In case of non-availability of suitable candidates with the knowledge of Konkani for the posts in professional colleges, Consultants in Directorate of Health Services and highly technical/scientific posts, the Goa Public Service Commission may recommend a candidate if otherwise found fit and this requirement can be relaxed by the Government, on the recommendation of the Goa Public Service Commission, if the Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to do.

  2. Prescribed EQs are minimum & mere possession of same does not entitle the candidates to be called for interview. Where number of applications received is large, the Commission will short list the candidates to be called for interview as mentioned in the "Instructions".


    1. Assistant Lecturer in Anatomy..... 1 post

      Scale of Pay: Rs. 15,600-39,100+5,400/- (pre-revised)

      Age: Not exceeding 45 years.

      Educational & Other Qualifications:-

      Essential: (i) A recognised Medical qualification included in the First or Second Schedule or Part II of the Third Schedule (other than Licentiate qualification) to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. Holders of educational qualifications included in Part II of the Third Schedule should also fulfil the conditions stipulated in sub-section (3) of Section 13 of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. (ii) Knowledge of Konkani.

      Desirable: (i) Registered for Post-Graduate Degree in concerned speciality. (ii) Knowledge of Marathi.


    1. Principal..... 1 post

      Scale of Pay: Rs. 37,400-67,000+10,000/- & Special Allowance of Rs. 2000/- per month (pre-revised)

      Age: Not exceeding 50 years.

      Educational & Other Qualifications:-

      Essential : (i) Bachelor's and Master's Degree of appropriate branch in Engineering/Technology with First Class or equivalent either at Bachelor's or Master's level and Ph. D. or equivalent, in appropriate discipline in Engineering/Technology. OR Bachelor's and Master's Degree of appropriate branch in Engineering/Technology with First Class or equivalent either at Bachelor's or Master's level. (ii) Minimum ten years relevant experience in Teaching/Research/Industry out of which at least three years shall be at the level of Head of Department or equivalent. Note: For the above purpose,'appropriate branch/appropriate discipline" means the branch/discipline in which the post is to be filled up or such other branch/discipline where there is demonstrative evidence of likeness of the subject matter covered.

      ii. Knowledge of Konkani.
      Desirable: Knowledge of Marathi.


  1. Assistant Conservator of Forests..... 1 post

Scale of Pay: Rs. 9,300-34,800+4,600/- (pre-revised) Age: Not exceeding 45 years.

Educational & Other Qualifications:-

Essential: (i) A. Associateship Diploma from Forest Research Institute and Colleges, Dehradun or equivalent. OR B. Bachelor's degree in Natural Science or Agriculture or Mathematics or Statistics or Geology or Mechanical Engineering or Civil Engineering or Chemical Engineering of a recognised University or equivalent. Provided that a graduate with pure Mathematics or Statistics must have taken one of the following subject in his Higher Secondary/Matriculation or equivalent examination.

  1. Biology

  2. Physics

  3. Chemistry.

Science Graduate with Economics and Mathematics will also be eligible. (ii) Good Physique with sound hearing and fitness for rough outdoor work minimum height 163 cms. and chest 79 cms. (iii) Should be able to undergo a Physical test consisting of a walk of 25 Kms. to be covered in 4 hours.

Note: Selected candidates who do not possess Associateship Diploma, will be sent for training in the Forest Research Institute and Colleges, Dehradun or in State Forest Service College and Research Centre, Burnihat: (Assam Meghalaya Border) or the Associateship Diploma of theF.R.I. & C., Dehradun, immediately after selection. Failure in the aforesaid training will debar them to claim retention in service as Assistant Commissioner.

ii. Knowledge of Konkani.

Desirable: Knowledge of Marathi.

Important Dates

Start Date End Date
Applications 26-May-2017

Notification Issued By

  • Organization : Goa Public Service Commission
  • Organization City, State : , goa
  • Organization Website : http://www.goapsc.gov.in

  • Notification
  • General Information
  • Important Dates
  • How To Apply
  • Applications
  • Exam Fees
  • Eligibility
  • Educational Qualifications
  • Age Limits
  • Reservations
  • Posts / Positions / Services
  • Job Vacancies List
  • Examination Centres
  • Plan Of Examination
  • Exam Syllabus
  • Exam Instructions
  • Previous Question Papers
  • Interview Questions
  • Interview Experience
  • Results