Pt. Sundarlal Sharma (Open) University Chhattisgarh Koni-Birkona Road, Bilaspur (Cnhattisgarh) -495009 (fstablished under the Act. No, 26 of 2OO4 fo Chhattisgarh Govt.) ADVERTISEMENT NO .312A17, Date 25.01.2017 Applications are invited for appointment on various teaching/ non teaching

posts in the university. Details about positions, subjects with specialization, number of posts and reservation category are as under.

A. Assistant Professor: Pay Scale: '15600-39100, AGP-600O/

  1. Commerce (Un-t), Qualifications as per UGC Norms

  2. Education (Sf-t Backlog), Qualifications as per NCTE Norms

B. Peon (Sf-t) Pay : Collector Rate, Qualification-as per Chhattisgarh Govt. Norms General Condition: for "A"

1. Eligibility Date: Last date of the application. 2. The application should be submitted in three copies. Details of qualification and experience, Application format, and other details are available on our web site 3.Application Fee For "A" Rs. lOOO/-(for ST/SC-Rs, 50O/-), For "B" Rs, 25O / -only through challan in the state Bank of India (Set) A/ C No. 35140890491 IFSC code SBlNOOO4177 and Bank Of Baroda (gOg) A/C. No.5BIOO2OOOOOOO2 IFSC code BARBOBIRKON (fiftf, character is zero), No other mode of payment will be accepted. 4. The university reserves the right to fill up or not to fill up the posts. 5. the number of posts to be filled up may vary. 6. Last Date of application is 25.O3.2017. University reserves the right to correct the reservation roster, if any. Note:

1. Abbrevation: UR= unreserved. ST= Scheduled Tribes, 2. Candidates in all category may apply for UR posts. 3. Women and Disabled persons will also be given reservation as per reservation rules. 4. Candidates belonging to g$+-and OBC of sther state will be treated-as-Unreserved, 5. Selecti Committee may give relaxation to suitable candidates.

By order Registrar

\UAc^+r.4r*\ FEGESTffiFF I

Pt. Sundsrlal Sharm;: {CnBn) Universily Chlrattiqlailr' Eilaspur iC.G.i

ffiqnwffi{Ws *



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\rrnrs *t-ths S**[gnnti*n I Nmur* ef posa : N$trHrB,,Sf Feripd L,niv*rsitv,' &Scele rlf psy T'rrn,pcf,illyi Assi-grmlent

i t:ul lgfier'ln$itut,ion FErmnnrlt

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sclEet list of tbe rnnst signific*nr FlvH" Rescurch publications (Pmvide originol off-Prinx t}r

tr flro$co*is$. if Photocopio'ifo* n*'F*g* Yf t* irtrblications Sbould be Self*uegsd)' H $*ldfiTdiiiffi##i,irxi*il*t -t*ins der*ils of authorship"Yc*i:sf &&-]k*rion

*qd 4qsq o-ffnuW

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(b) Rescar{:h Supervision

Sup*n isian *f tnurdd ectotel diss*rtfitisnrf $upervi*icll of doctoral diswrrs$ons, t"fndcr frogre*** $uperuision $f sn#6il1*d ilt " pbil, Oisssrurions*

*Attuch elsmils



i{. * ) Ac*cl*nlir, 4r,r,'*rets and distin*tittlts*;

b.} h['*mb*rs]rip sr*'L*sr $d**l

+ r\tttr'sh sepnrstffi slrq*t, if' regrrired

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t S. [-i*,ernr,ry* {trltur"sl crr u,ther nctiviti**s t$.S., nttuinnrent iill spofts. etc]

+ Att*tcl: svpumtc slwet. ifl requirtx!

\ tttr.: | * rr urltll pl*tr: r.ruls ni" nppl il:n{ i*tr sttttltltl hs stt[rrtt t l tsrl'


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upplication tartusted ttitt. *ppf icant herse lf : hims*l!}.undrhc,.-:9:::ti.r*u*t ot tor*niew nrsl $r rhs tirue *f J*ining, 1l' $elect*d'


;ffi;t il il;;;;fi;;*l*''rd *,0 ryn.wJicati*n rhra'gh fmpr ssruler.


4, s*p*.rerte Appti*,mlnn is requi*ld for Bflslr p,o$r npFlied ttlr,

#ec.lsrftifidlm ;

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{ I"trs;a {.}t' eli,c Ins,lit,lnt i*l'l' t}rg,**iz;t}iett't *r

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+-t::'i'ti lli:itt*-{ ill"i;liltutl i:l' r:{public*linns N lll iS t-f"f cert ll"rc*le Ldueari*n certifie**s i'} rJfficertsli$g *r*cr lr**l Pl:.t]. t* l"ligher secafflat:-*' Higt' S*lruol r Higher $ecantl*ry eeitillcar, irrilirnting tltt tiutt ot'hirth

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qasqTqq?ffif * EffTT{K ;


Important Dates

Start Date End Date
Notification Issued 25-Jan-2017
Applications 25-Mar-2017

Notification Issued By

  • Organization : Pandit Sundarlal Sharma Open University
  • Organization City, State : bilaspur, chhattisgarh
  • Organization Website :

  • Notification
  • General Information
  • Important Dates
  • How To Apply
  • Applications
  • Exam Fees
  • Eligibility
  • Educational Qualifications
  • Age Limits
  • Reservations
  • Posts / Positions / Services
  • Job Vacancies List
  • Examination Centres
  • Plan Of Examination
  • Exam Syllabus
  • Exam Instructions
  • Previous Question Papers
  • Interview Questions
  • Interview Experience
  • Results