frrrdq Tft tripftrrr Efrlr'{-,ffiq q?i wi$q weir sr{drrm fi&nrrq


f W *thil* -sg? s10, s{ruiq, Ir{rtr" gKr. IcAn-Director*te of ilIedicinal *xd Aromat*c Plants Research

*NWXXW Soriavi -387 310, Anand, Gujamfr ludia. Y,#fuW" Ph.No:(02692)27f6ffi,0$,06ts'ax:fiI169}l"2716fi1. I#ebcite;

$r.wr : 7-t41r7-t*rqn/ 19 Z* ##-3


rjfo-gq-gegq/ wa I x_ r r,r I rure nv r r w


qr.?.ql.c.-olMq \Ri wiffq qrEq q-griq|c ftArncIq. dftffi, snstE. Tqrrd n rihfl d snqn qr rFrrrq-a cfuffi{r d qii.lflffifud qs * ldC fttio zg qqrrff. 20ts, Atrfl oz;so ir$ dto-E;q-gerqendfuc-fuqr qrtn, fus{'r ft-{rur nqrfsn t

Walk'in-lnterview will be held at IcAR-Directorate of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants Research, Boriavi, Anand,

Guiarat on 29l0ll2ol8 at 02.30 p.m. for the following position on contractual basis under time bound project based at this Directorate and details are as below:

NMPB Erq ftn *fto cMs{r "Breeding Medicinot Plants lor improved yield ond euatity,,

w / Pcsition ytfr-6 srfar/ Ed ucationa I Qu a I ifications qrrd qft sffiH/ Period of engagement

otM -luw tf 31 qrd, 2o1s erqr qt .lqB d ftN

I Senior Research Fellow - ldr.ft til ord-ftEryrqn d sTrgrrq r{ Td { ?n


\g qrflT q\rfilffiFrh frf,F{/dq lqR"dq{r d irqrw d rner rrrrw dr fu oz (d qK) ffiIFrfrt /qTw aTrFrfi frf,rq/tflq $Hrrrq snQrqr


02 (Two Post) rfdBf, frYq t 04 sflq Frkrfi rsilq ${mfitrq sqrB qt fr{ sffq Hkrfi sqrB s qt qff:q llnitially I for a period upto 3L/Ot/2018

land will be co-terminated with the

s{rf,+ttrr sqrB d Hrer arqaff ie vff

Wft@ ^ nuneration: dr

Master degree in Genetics and plant Itermination of the Project or earlier

lbased on the performance.

Breeding/Bota ny/B iotech no logy/p la nt

(iiltRm tn rn rrEftfl Eqr{ + 10 yfurf,



q?ilq fuTMr rf,r sfr ,n6) Molecular Biology, Biochemistry or related I En{ Wl or wn (place oI work:

( 25,0001-(consolidated) + tO% field with 4 years Bachelor's degree. i-HRA per month Candidate with 3 years bachelor's degree .Tr.F.3r{.q.-sltqfiq \q $'Trfrq qrflr

and 2 years master degree should have

orgqen{ fr{qndrrr dfts[rfr. srrulq, Ts{rf,

NET qualification

ICAR-DMAPR, Boriavi, Arand

4iafrT nosirable: (Gujarat)

i). qrilT rrarm ofl-{ dE detFrfrt fr 3rTflqH srgTE I

Research experience in Plant Breeding and Biotechnology. ii). o.Wx o-1 gfuft fl"Tt Basic knowledge of Computer.

fuitrq gf grfr ./rrRrus aruo coruomorus,


  1. YEIriofi A ftS ftdtrr iFI srrq <)ctr-t oz:oo Td t I The Reporting time is 02:00 p.m. for the above said lnterview.

  2. w Xtw t sreirA *r rifuqrro t aqr qMcmr d rmm rR rFrFfl d qrtqrr The posts are purely temporary and contractual and are co-terminus with the project.

  3. urg frn gsc d fdc gs s{ oln qB-drofr d fug +o s{ tr

The age limit is up to 35 years for man and 40 years for women.

4, qR vnfrcsn srq crrr6 .rr o.rd 6-{flI t d} tst furmr enr qrft omrqfr rcrum ilR om-d orET{ n-crurrr, ot$ ff d. snrro.n d

yrq r-Eo orcr dfil NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE from the employer in case he/she is in employment etsewhere and experience certificate in original, if any will be produced at the time of tnterview.

5, HTqiltrrR t .nq d'i + ftq rrnr qflT rrr ffi ,rt o.r grrf,rq 'rS fr;llr qrt'n


No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.



tI ligrqq "' -.

condition that he/she is declared medically fit for

fo-qr rrql Er -. -_ ..,,,, ha

The appointment of selected candidateluill be subiect cor

service by the prescribed medical authority'

7 ffiw#,#r'*#*ff###T*ffiHffi,"ffi. ffi il"x : ffi.:'

iil,,""l";* f* i::: :lil i l], li1 ll J ] ;le;, ;;);,, cAR at t h e e nd or pr oi e ct t

to't *irri""a to cancellation of candidaturer


I any candida." i, tor"o canvassing for i"iln"' '"i"iioi ii 'nv


qqi qt q 'qqi ar srEron tt The Director, rcAR-DMApR, Boriavi, Anand reserves the right to fill up or not to filr any vacancy notified in this

3lR sT-{qq c{ ql{r 3{ritit d am *iqrGro f6-qr qr\rnl advertisementwffi" qfr or$iflc qRq<. Tg ffi d ffi

t"* +i.l-q-.'fr *q rcAR Rules and orders issued from time to time'

10. 9,-m"X;;;;;

u mgrym'il ffi#ffi



:#ff riffi llr#,::l1ri"?t:.1#::;##i#h:'ru*':tk:l*ti-;,s'*tl

rhe aP1

;;;;ii; ;': Y:lf::tnterview' . , /'


ry {-^k?ilt(


l.TheDirector/ProjectDirectorsoftholcARResearchlnstitute("'Pi'list-throughe-mail)Hl'J:TIf' V V Nagar wi'lh a reques"o disptav

z i?: H;:?115*tid;il*i*iJfl[1::1'""T#ilit

this circular on Notice Board

display this a request to

-" ii.ri'ln viav'n'gt'" uliti


p. unir"rrity,

The n"girtr;,-"1.


Notice Board'

Circular on Notice Board'

I with a request

5. The Registrar,iiii. ,"ir"*nv, va{gdara with a request to display this circular on


*.tu"on'o'L' onrn"o"o"o

o. The Registrar"i'ittt 'ir'"'ii"' ,T.zr'TheRegistrar'-;";;agricultural'n''Jiii'n*t'sari'Guiarat''-^ltodisptaythis

YTheRegistrar,ffiil;;^;;i.,rtu,.ruii,"',,iiv,-i.*..*"g"',Dantiwada.]circularon e.Theregistrar''iil;;*fi^-;-'rtu'"r-uoiu"'iiiv'lunag"ot''lnoticeboard'

10. Web site tto*'i'*i'*' BJriavi' Anand (Gujarat)'


notice soa'd' ICAR-DMAPR'


Local NewsPaPer'


@ a s'nqTt:LFffi-&"@t eB-ENg ag E-vtrNr e-N EeMBAcf "pasts

[1], ailtft-qr qE / Post applied for : arr{t qrflqe .}ilqr-r I q{j =r.itroq rdn I

qRd\f,-fl cn-r qrcr l Name of Projecu rr;\et

l2l. fuwil\ .z Rece nt II photograplr of


applrca nt I

l3l. 3rlE-fr znl qIFI (s1-g 3{Hr} fr), Name of applicant (in Block letters):

t4l. \FF{ frfU / Date of birth:

q1re{rc.Dr( zht ftfU ?hi Grrg / Ase as:

isl, on date of lnterview

t6l ftrmr;nr ;ffi/ Father's name:

171, trqT ffin qr GrBqIBfl d/whether married or unmarried

lBl. qr{Erm cn-r grIT (furcnls, g*+f, Grrf,SI, Trrrd r-qq):

Correspon ding address :

(with pin code, e-mail ld,contact no.)

tel qq$ qrTI fr-+frrg S lgpl / Permanent address (with pin code)

t101. d"fr(erg,w./Qi-E.q.cT./oi.ft.a.7riinrq Tq 3rq/Catecory (SC/ST/oBC/General and orhers):

t111. e}l$6 +.qf,Tl Educational Qualification :

TMilwaar wHT / flqq / Subject qfrrTo

Qu a lificatio n Boa rdlUniversity Class Year of % af Marks assing




i121. trqT 3{iqs) oaFl EDT gfrurfi HI{ t (ET EI nT) / Have you basic knowledge of Cornputer lyes/woI :


;\ _\

[13] srflTq 1frrot n) I Experience (in detaits):(ar) q*.fqt -r rrE T\ als cl.d znlFTiFrT tfr erygn rrq q

fq qdqr=T t.RqR ch-r ft-q-i"r dr(a). Details of previous and present ern ployment

held, in chronological order starting from present position.

qfr .,fr --i uE 7 p;;i

r l"+)q"IH ail{ qdq]q zm 'ilrT / Narne of o{qB/ period of

Itr iltr{ / pay Scate Nature of service

Ernployer with i service and present basicaddress i pay







(,') vritr 3rykt, qf{ $ irt:

(b), Research Experience, if any:

[14] EqFrdT / Nationatity:

SyyI necla ration

i qis,TT tn-ror q lb ftr ori-6q q ff 'r$ elfi q.n-firff +ft "i'r{firfi \g freflq d erJnn Tto,

H-el gq rrfi d r lffi $ qTr-orft d errr-tq, sT r?rfr qr$ qTi .rs GqI Ad W-n + +e,

rqs fbur cT {l-diflr t r "=*;/onil({

qMffir qn r1qrfu w q ffin 696g qT sqd+ S fuq u* oe -o*trl;r ' E) qrd fi eR il 3{qrail Er qf,r a-qi q{ ft aic frq*flxiffi,rfu of w\r

I hereby declare that all the stat'ements made in this application are true, complete and correct to the

best of my knowledge and belief. ln the event of any information being found false or incorrect, mycandidature/application may be .cancelled/terminate with any prior notice. I shall not claim for ,."grl.,.

appointment/absorption at the end of the Project, ln the event of inerigibility being detected before or after

the selection procedure, action can be taken against me under the relevant rules/instructions.

tQI{/ Placel [qnitpT oate :

spftqqT d r-+men

Important Dates

Start Date End Date
Notification Issued 05-Jan-2018
Interviews 29-Jan-2018

Notification Issued By

  • Organization : Medicinal And Aromatic Plants Research
  • Organization City, State : boriavi, gujarat
  • Organization Website :

  • Notification
  • General Information
  • Important Dates
  • How To Apply
  • Applications
  • Exam Fees
  • Eligibility
  • Educational Qualifications
  • Age Limits
  • Reservations
  • Posts / Positions / Services
  • Job Vacancies List
  • Examination Centres
  • Plan Of Examination
  • Exam Syllabus
  • Exam Instructions
  • Previous Question Papers
  • Interview Questions
  • Interview Experience
  • Results