Society for Integrated Coastal Management
Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change
Government of India
New Delhi
No. SICOM/HR/2/2017
Advertisement for the post of Director, NCSCM
The National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management (NCSCM) has been established as a technical institution of Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change. NCSCM is located in the campus of Anna University, Chennai. Applications are invited in the prescribed proforma for the post of Director on a contract basis with tenure of 5 years. Details of qualifications and nature of duties etc., are given below:
- 1. Name of the Post: Director
- 2. Age Limit: Maximum age limit for appointment shall not exceed 55 years as on the last date of receipt the application
- 3. Tenure: 5 years and shall not exceed two consecutive terms, each selected on a competitive basis
- 4. Pay: Rs.80000 (fixed) with allowances as per Central Government norms
- 5. Essential Qualifications: First class Masters degree in relevant Natural/Social sciences or First Class degree in Engineering/Technology from a reputed University or Equivalent. Minimum fifteen years practical experience in research in the required area.
- 6. Desirable Qualifications: Doctorate degree in natural/social sciences (or) postgraduate degree in engineering/technology (or) Doctorate degree in Engineering, recognized as a World-Class Professional or Researcher and substantial publications in International refereed journals.
- 7. Nature of duties and responsibilities: (1) Responsible for execution of all policies formulated by the General Body as the case may be in pursuance of the objectives of NCSCM and shall attend to statutory requirements imposed on the function of the office of the NCSCM, Director; (2) Establish and lead team to achieve the objectives of NCSCM. Develop the NCSCM to achieve the World Class Institutional status; (3) Responsible for the management and control of the NCSCM, supervising the work of the Divisions of NCSCM, directing and overseeing implementation of research
- programmes and annual action plan through the staff at NCSCM; (4) Responsible for setting the research agenda in conjunction with the High Powered Steering Committee/ Governing Council; (5) Promoting collaboration amongst various organizations/institutions/agencies and across multiple coastal sectors; (6) Work with the community and responsible for Research and Development, communication, and networking; (7) liaise with Union Government Ministry, Departments of Union and State Governments, National and International Academic and Research Institutions, The World Bank, Non-Governmental organizations and community based organisations in India for any matter pertaining to the day to day operation of NCSCM; (8) perform such functions as may be delegated by the Chairperson of the Governing Council and/or the GC from time to time; (9) Responsible for all administrative and finance decisions of the NCSCM; (10) Submission of annual plan/reports, budget and achievements to SICOM, Ministry and relevant institutes/organizations; (11) Authorized signatory for agreements, MoU, Deeds, partnership documents, etc.
General Conditions
- 1. Deputation is applicable.
- 2. Age as on the last date of application receipt would be considered for the purpose of upper age limit computation.
- 3. Age limit is relaxable by 3 years for OBC and 5 years for SC & ST Candidates and for employees from Government/ Semi Government/Autonomous Bodies of Government applying through Proper Channel, subject to fulfillment of all conditions and concessions prescribed by Government of India from time to time. Further age relaxation may be considered in case of exceptionally deserving and highly experienced candidates.
- 4. Fixation of higher pay will be considered by the selection committee for persons with extraordinary qualifications and experience
- 5. Candidates will have to produce the proof of details furnished in their applications, in original, as and when required
- 6. Number of years of experience will be counted after the year of award of the qualifying degree. First class means as specified in the qualifying degree certificate
- 7. Weight for higher educational qualification, where relevant to the position and the thematic area of qualification for lateral requirement shall be equated as equivalent research or professional experience, and shall be as follows: (i) Post-Graduate
- Degree in Engineering or Technology equivalent to two years of research or professional experience; (ii) Doctorate Degree in Natural or Social Sciences equivalent to three years of research or professional experience; (iii) Doctorate Degree in Engineering or Technology equivalent to four years of research or professional experience.
- 8. The selection process is through personal interview
- 9. The place of posting will be in Chennai or at any other location in India as required
- 10. Applicants working in Central / State Government departments / Autonomous Institutions of Central / State Governments should send their applications through proper channel and produce No Objection Certificate at the time of interview.
- 11. Applications without attested copies of relevant certificates, and without photograph will be summarily rejected.
- 12. Applications received after the due date, unsigned applications, applications where the post number is not filled in/ not filled in correctly, applications if not followed by the copy through proper channel, and applications incomplete in any respect, will not be considered.
- 13. Vigilance clearance from competent authority alongwith attested copies of his/her ACR for the last five years may be enclosed alongwith the application.
- 14. Canvassing in any form will lead to disqualification
- 15. No interim inquiries will be entertained
- 16. It may be noted that if, at any stage, it is discovered that an attempt has been made by the applicant to willfully conceal or misrepresent the facts, his/her candidature will be summarily rejected or his/her employment terminated
- 17. Applications should be submitted in the prescribed format as available in the SICOM website ( ), Ministry of Environment, Forests and climate change Website ( ) and NCSCM Website ( ) and the hard copy of PDF version of the submitted application along with attested copies of pertinent certificates etc., should be sent by speed post only . Last date for submission of hard copy before 3.00 pm on 21st February 2018. The competent authority may restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview to a reasonable limit on the basis of qualification and experience
- 18. Duly filled in hard copy of the application with enclosures should be sent to:
The National Project Director
Society for Integrated Coastal Management
Ministry of Environment,Forest and Climate Change
Room No 111, Pt Deen Dayal Antyodyay Bhawan
Ist Floor, CGO Complex
Lodhi Road New Delhi,110003
Affix recent passport size photograph
1. |
Post applied for |
: |
2. |
Name & Address (in Block Letters) With e-mail address and contact/Mobile No. |
: |
3. |
Date of Birth (in Christian era) |
: |
4. |
Date of entry into Govt. Service |
: |
5. |
Date of Retirement under Central Govt. rules |
: |
6. |
Educational qualifications Whether educational and other qualification required for the post are satisfied? (if any qualification has been treated as equivalent to the one prescribed in the rules, state the authority for the same). |
: |
Qualifications/experience required |
Qualifications/experience possessed by the officer |
Essential: |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
Desired: |
(1) |
(2) |
7. |
Please state clearly whether in light of the entries made by you above, you meet the requirements of the post? |
: |
8. |
Details of employment in chronological order. Enclose a separate sheet, duly authenticated by your signature, if the space below is insufficient. |
: |
Office/Institute/Organ. |
Post held |
From |
To |
Scale of Pay & Basic Pay |
Nature of Appointment i.e., whether regular/adhoc/deputation |
Nature of duties |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
9. |
Name of the post held substantively, if any, and the pay scale thereof |
: |
10. |
Present pay and date from which it is drawn (pay scale in which drawn also to be indicated) |
: |
11. |
Additional details about present employment Please state whether working under:- |
: |
(a) Central Government |
(b) State Government |
(c) Autonomous Organizations |
(d) Government Undertakings (e) Public Sector Undertaking |
(f) Universities |
12. |
Please state whether you are working in the same department, the feeder grade or in the feeder to the feeder grade |
: |
13. |
Are you in the revised scale of Pay? If yes, please give the date from which the revision took place and also indicate the pre-revised scale |
: |
14. |
Total emolument per month now drawn (Enclose the latest Pay Slip) |
: |
15. |
Additional information, if any, which you would like to mention in support of your suitability for the post. Enclose a separate sheet, if the space is insufficient. |
: |
16. |
Whether the officer satisfies all the conditions prescribed for the post viz., qualification, experience and service in analogous posts. |
: |
17. |
Remarks, if any |
: |
Countersigned ............................ Address ...................................... (Employer) |
Signature of the candidate: Mobile No........................... Tel No.:............................... Email ID: ........................... |
Certified that the above particulars filled by ................................... Designation ...................... have been verified and found correct. It is also certified that no vigilance case is pending or contemplated against .......................... and his/her integrity is beyond doubt. Attested copies of his/her ACRs for the last 5 years are enclosed. Character Roll for the last five years is enclosed.
Important Dates
Start Date | End Date | |
Applications | 21-Feb-2018 |
Notification Issued By
- Organization : Society For Integrated Coastal Management
- Organization City, State : new delhi, delhi
- Organization Website :
- Notification
- General Information
- Important Dates
- How To Apply
- Applications
- Exam Fees
- Eligibility
- Educational Qualifications
- Age Limits
- Reservations
- Posts / Positions / Services
- Job Vacancies List
- Examination Centres
- Plan Of Examination
- Exam Syllabus
- Exam Instructions
- Previous Question Papers
- Interview Questions
- Interview Experience
- Results