Job Description

ministry of earth sciences announced job notification for the positions of scientist c in the department of and in section of general central service, . This job position scientist c located in new delhi and in state delhi. This job position is categorized as 'group – ‘a'' jobs.

The educational qualifications for this job position scientist c specified as Masters degree in Geophysics or applied Geophysics or Geology or Applied Geology or Electronics or computational Sesimology or equivalent from a recognized university. Eligibility conditions for job position scientist c mentioned as 60% marks in the qualifying degree level. and required experience levels for this job position scientist c are as follows Three years experience in teaching(at graduate or post graduate level) or research and development or surveys or data processing& interpretation or planning/supervision in relevant field supported by scientific publications.

The salary or payscale for scientist c is Rs.67700- 208700/-.

The total number of vacancies or positions are 6. Out of which for General/Un-Reserved/OC (Other Castes) vacancies are 0. For OBC (Other Backward Classes) total positions reserved are 0. For SC (Scheduled Castes) category job positions reserved are 0 and for ST (Scheduled Tribes) category job positions reserved are 0. For all other categories of reservations total positions alloted are .

The minimum and maximum age limits to apply for job scientist c is minimum age limit is 0 and maximum age limit is 40.

The more and other important information related to this job specified as Duties and Responsibilities: To plan and execute R &D in the domain of scientific/research programmes of the Ministry; development of R&D projects; coordination of scientific activities both in field sites and laboratory studies; management of the field surveys,drilling and on-site geological/geophysical/downhole studies,set up core repository and research laboratories

Important dates to be remembered related to this notification are as follows.
Date of Issue of Notificaition : . Applications will be issued from date and last date to submit applications is . The admit cards will be issued from to . The Priliminary Examinations will start from and will lasts upto date of . The Preliminary Examinations Results will be announced on date . The Main Examinations will start from date and will ends on . The answer keys for mains examinations will be announced on . The results for Main Examinations will be declared or announced on date . Job Interviews for this job positions scientist c will be held from date and will ends on date . The final results or shortlisted persons for this job scientist c will be announced on .

This notification issued by which is located in city and in state .

For More Details related to this Notificaition, for Complete Job Details and for complete Notificaition, Please visit the official website of organization .

Voila!!! Happy Jobing.. :)

Job Organization / Department

  • ministry of earth sciences
  • general central service

Job Positions

  • scientist c

Job Educational Qualifications

  • masters degree in geophysics or applied geophysics or geology or applied geology or electronics or computational sesimology or equivalent from a recognized university

Job Eligibility Details

  • 60% marks in the qualifying degree level.

Job Experience Requirements

  • three years experience in teaching(at graduate or post graduate level) or research and development or surveys or data processing& interpretation or planning/supervision in relevant field supported by scientific publications

Job City, State

  • new delhi, delhi

Job Total Vacancies

  • 6

Job Reservation Details

  • General / Un-Reserved : 0
  • OBC : 0
  • SC : 0
  • ST : 0
  • Others :

Job Payscale / Salary

  • Rs.67700- 208700/-

Job Age Details

  • Minimum Age : 0
  • Maximum Age : 40

Job More Information

  • duties and responsibilities: to plan and execute r &d in the domain of scientific/research programmes of the ministry; development of r&d projects; coordination of scientific activities both in field sites and laboratory studies; management of the field surveys,drilling and on-site geological/geophysical/downhole studies,set up core repository and research laboratories

Important Dates

Start Date End Date
Notification Issued 31-Aug-2017

Notification Issued By

  • Organization :
  • Organization City, State :
  • Organization Website :


  • Job Organization
  • Job Ministry / Department
  • Job Position
  • Job Group
  • Job City
  • Job State
  • Job Educational Qualification
  • Job Eligibility
  • Job Experience
  • Job Payscale / Salary
  • Job Total Vacancies
  • Job Reservation Details
  • Job Age Details
  • Job More Info


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